Dinner is Served - Film

Set at dinner party in the 1920s, this dance-theatre piece is commentary on societal programming and behavior.


Concept and Choreography by Kristen Carcone


Kiya Schnorr, Michael-Anthony Souza, Chris Baptista, Andrea Murillo, Maddy Wright, Melanie Comeau, Holly Heiser, Kim Ross, Christine Flores, Maleek Washington, Kendell "History" Hinds

Directed and Edited by Roger Galvez

Cinematography by Roger Galvez and Jesse Hunt

Featuring "To The Top" by Too Many Zooz

Continuity Advisor - Andrea Roberts

Costume and Set Coordination by Ross Wirtanen, Daniela Medina, Erika Carcone and Chris Baptista


Leeming Danceworks for being my original collaborators